Emergency maintenance is required following storm damage at our Berea substation.  While the maintenance is not critical, it is urgent that repairs are made as soon as possible to prevent a potentially longer, unplanned outage.  We will have a planned outage beginning at 7 am, Saturday morning, April 9th.  The outage will last approximately 3 hours, and we will do everything possible in coordination with other utilities to shorten the duration.

We will switch electric service feeds where we have the infrastructure to supply power from other stations.  Members in the areas of Hopewell, Pennington, Groveton, and Centerville should experience brief interruptions of service during switching.

Members in the areas of Berea, Belott, Weches, Kennard, Ratcliff, Centralia, and Nogalus Prairie will be without power for approximately 3 hours. We simply lack the infrastructure necessary to provide service from alternate sources to these areas, but we will do our best to restore power quickly.

If you experience an outage and did not receive a call, please call us at 1-800-657-9445 to update your phone number.